AquaSmart PRO™ is a super absorbent sand that will act as millions of tiny sponges in your lawn allowing you to water less and still keep your grass healthy and green. It is also available for blending by nurseries, landscapers, and large soil blending companies for their own use or supply to customers who prefer blending the coated sand product with mulch, top soil, or peat moss.
AquaSmart PRO™ is the newest tool for landscapers to improve their customers growing conditions. It allows lawns to stay greener longer and with less water.
AquaSmart PRO™ will improve the growing conditions of any soil. Absorbing valuable water and nutrients thus lengthening the periods in between watering.
AquaSmart PRO™ got its start on Major League Baseball fields. Improving the playing conditions of the infield skins and turf by holding more water.
AquaSmart PRO™ enhances the feel and performance for any arena blend. Increasing the moisture holding capacity of the footing and reducing dust.
AquaSmart PRO™ allows superintendents to keep stubborn teeboxes, greens, and hot spots green with less watering. Saving labor time and reducing hand watering.