A home owner in Sun City had his landscaper install AquaSmart™ PRO in his yard in the spring. Bermuda tiff (with shallow black clay) was aerated and top dressed with AquaSmart™ PRO and Dillo Dirt. Yard A and Yard B have sloped contours and have been watered the same. Yard A home owner installed a Base Line moisture sensor and recently reported he had reduced his current irrigating protocol by 40% vs. the same time period last year.
Yard A home owner has organized a water ambassador committee to help bring exposure to AquaSmart™ PRO and its benefits. Sun City is drastically adjusting their water rates and water utilities. Residents are looking for alternatives. The success in this one yard has already led to several more sales and installs. Sun City has over 6,000 yards. This success story and testimony is opening the potential to reach hundreds and potentially thousands of yards.
AquaSmart™ PRO was used on a bunker edge that was typically hand watered on a regular basis. After laying new sod, the superintendent quit hand watering in this area and one month later, the area on the left, not treated with AquaSmart™ PRO, burned out.
“To my amazement, no additional hand watering was needed. The AquaSmart™ PRO product held the moisture. As the roots grabbed, there was also no browning of the turf on the surface. I am a firm believer in this product and will be using it in the future.”
– Mike Baty, Superintendent
Wear and tear had taken its toll on this area with bad soil, compaction, shallow roots, and high traffic. After triple aeration, seed and AquaSmart™ PRO (40 lbs per 1000 sq. ft.) the area has rebounded. Impressive germination at a time of year when temperatures hover over 100 degrees. AquaSmart™ PRO is excellent year round.
These areas outside our branch were over-seeded in September of 2011. Because the rye seed was still growing in June of 2012, it was stealing the nutrients for the Bermuda to come out of dormancy. This is a sloped area where we have always had trouble with irrigation. I applied AquaSmart™ PRO, without aeration and the Bermuda is thriving and AquaSmart™ PRO has done its job without any increase in watering.
The turf in this area continues to thrive even under our current water restrictions of only two times per week. On a regular basis, I walk customers out to this area to show them the results firsthand. What a great product and really easy to sell with the proof right outside my door!
– Tim Heggision, Ewing Branch
Can AquaSmart™ PRO achieve results in just 6 days? Absolutely. This was stressed and unable to hold water. As a topical application we spread AquaSmart™ PRO evenly across the surface a hot spot of this baseball field. In just a matter of days the results were amazing. The soil was able to hold a considerably greater amount of water allowing the roots to stay hydrated.
In early October 2012, Legacy High School over-seeded its baseball field with rye. This would typically not raise any eyebrows except for the fact that the area is under signification water restrictions. After ten days of extreme heat, they noticed that the germination rate was low. An irrigation audit was conducted on the field and was determined that each zone was only running for about 3 minutes and applying about .10″ of water on the field. Typically a sports field in Las Vegas will apply an inch or more of water per day on freshly over-seeded turf.
After the audit it was suggested to top dress with AquaSmart™ PRO at a rate of 25 lbs. per 1000 sq. ft. Within days the field managers that AquaSmart™ PRO was holding moisture and that the rye was germinating evenly.
Early in May of 2013 a landscape contractor seeded berm areas along streets in the Crystal Falls subdivision. These photos were taken 50 years away from each other. The AquaSmart™ PRO application rate was only 25 lbs. per 1000 and was tilled into the soil prior to seeding. Both areas photographed have no irrigation and are watered by a water truck every couple days. The pictures tell the rest of the story.
To observe the results of AquaSmart™ PRO on grass growth the AquaSmart™ Team in West, Texas performed a 25 day experiment. The team selected a plot of grass and marked the test site with a hula hoop. On the first day of the experiment, AquaSmart™ PRO was topped dressed within the hula hoop and hand watered the product for activation. The area was briefly watered four days after the first watering and also received 1/10 inch of precipitation three days after the second watering. The results are pictured below and speak for themselves. At the end of the 25 days, the test area in comparison to the control areas showed increased growth.
An experiment was completed to demonstrate the extraordinary root growth of sod where AquaSmart™ PRO was applied. The experiment was performed on three test plots of newly installed sod located in the Mojave Desert where temperatures reach a scorching 130 degrees. For the first 10 days, the plots were watered regularly to observe sod performance under normal watering conditions. After the first 10 days, watering was decreased to two times per day. After three months, results concluded that the surfaces of the plots did not show significant changes or differences, however when the sod was pulled back it revealed increased root growth where AquaSmart™ PRO was applied. The root growth the sod had established was extraordinary under the dry growing conditions.
Left a sod square (turned over) with massive more roots where sod had 40lbs of AquaSmart per 1000 sq ft. Right sod square (turned over) to see the roots.
Brian Stewart, Master Gardener and AquaSmart PRO™ customer conducted an experiment on potted plants at his nursery using AquaSmart PRO™. AquaSmart PRO™ was incorporated into the soil of one basket at the rate of 4 tbsp for a 24-inch planter. The plants were grown with the same nutrient and watering schedules and over a period of two weeks, the results showed that the plant with AquaSmart PRO™ was greener, bushier, and overall healthier than the plant that did not have the soil application.
“I noticed a dramatic reduction in the frequency of watering needed to maintain the growth of our baskets,” said Stewart. “AquaSmart PRO™ has made both the growth rate and vigor of our baskets excellent.”